Meet the Team
The people behind the submarine
Why did you join HPS?
Braden Delaney, Chief Engineer
"I joined HPS to get hands on experience with my Naval Architecture education in addition to making my mark on one of the coolest projects in the world!"
Kaleigh Miller
"As a freshman 'Human Powered Submarine' just sounded intriguing, I couldn't help but look further into the team. After attending a few team meetings and having the chance to do some hands-on work, the real-world result of a physical submarine was so rewarding. What really cinched the deal though, was the members on the team and the fantastic work atmosphere they created."
Benjamin Stimac
"Between majoring in NAME & a background in manual labor, HPS was a natural choice for me. From a place to get practice with design and work with my hands, while incorporating the ever-important aspect of team work, to what has become a second home on campus, I couldn't be happier with my decision to join."
Venkata Daruri
I really liked how friendly their environment was during the university's Festifall, and I stuck on after I got to more about them!
Gabbi, Tibbenham
"I joined the team because the design process interests me and I wanted to expand my horizons to underwater projects!"
Emma Smith
The HPS team was so welcoming and really gave new members a chance to get involved! I also love scuba diving and liked that this team needed divers.
There is some fun & games...
Some members on our team get together to travel and scuba dive around the world!